Above the Arctic Circle, It Can Get Very Cold

But Arctic Circle people won’t let the cold be a bother

Yearly, as the seasons change, the long winters up in the Arctic Circle can get severely harsh. But the people from the Arctic Circle have always adapted excellently by preparing extremely well. Before the season begins, they collect food to prepare for storage. They collect berries. They hunt and fish seasonal games, which are the most important part of their diet in the wintertime.

And instead of being enveloped by the bleakness of the cold, the people have used this season to further connect with their heritage. They gather together—around a fire, preferably—and tell stories that have been told by the previous generations. They make sure the next generation knows of their origin, of their practices.

Surviving 50 Below is a collection of stories that are a reflection of the Inupiaq heritage above the Arctic Circle in Alaska. It is like sitting around the campfire with the Inupiaq Eskimo and learning their past that is reflected in their present and will move forward toward the future—showing to the world just how rich a culture it is. Unlike being stuck in the winters in the arctic, readers get to know Inupiaq Eskimo through the words penned by an Inupiaq Eskimo in the comforts of their own places.

This book is available online and can be purchased at www.writersrepublic.com, www.amazon.com and www.barnesandnoble.com.

About the Author

Author Wendell Amisimak Stalker is an Inupiaq Eskimo. He was born in the small village of Noatak and grew up in and around the area of Kotzebue, Alaska. A typical young Inupiaq, he spent his winters singing, dancing, playing Eskimo games, and listening to stories told by his elders. His experience growing up in the arctic paved way for his stories. He is a musician, an artist, and a story writer.

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