My True Friend is a Ghost?

Author: Dell Bunny


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Charlotte was never good around people around her even though she had one friend. Upon his return to her hometown, he didn't just come to stay but also to bring in news. Charlotte's life took a strange turn that she could never expect.

Making new friends along the way and learning so much about them. Getting to know the people and immediately learned they are actually dead.

Can living with people that are alive and dead bring happiness or fear in each life.

There is one way to find out but somehow, the undead could make a bigger impact than the living thinks.

Growing up, I lived in 2 different households in 2 different states every summer. I loved living with my mom and I express that in this book with Jacob's mom. Living with my dad was fun but difficult too. But one thing is the same with both households, I always had my little brother who might as well be my opposite twin. I've always watched romance on television that I imagine scenes in my head. I write a lot more than I think and I thought I should write it down and make a story. But I was just an elementary school girl when I started. I learned so much from my mom that when I learned she was an author. Her name was Shelly Sylvester and I was inspired to be just like her. She is also how I got my name, Dell Bunny.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 90 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Fiction

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