The Final Ascension of Jacob's Ladder : Book III in Ascending Jacob's Ladder Series by Mark James Foster Bookshop

The Final Ascension of Jacob's Ladder Book III in Ascending Jacob's Ladder Series   The Final Ascension of Jacob's Ladder is the last book of this series. It encompasses the last and final section of dream interpretations g...

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Ascending Jacob's Ladder : Book II in the Jacob's Ladder Series by Mark James Foster Bookshop

Ascending Jacob's Ladder Book II in Ascending Jacob's Ladder Series This is to me one of the enjoyable books out of the three that I have been able to pen, I feel like I have so much life left in me during much of this book...

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Finding Jacob's Ladder : Book I in the Jacob's Ladder Series by Mark James Foster Bookshop

Finding Jacob's Ladder Book I in Ascending Jacob's Ladder   In many ways, this book is a duplicate of the book that I have written called Ask, Knock, Seek and Find. Besides the events that I have shown that were dreamt that...

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Teruf Wisdom of Light : Book II in “Teruf’s Progression in Succession” Series by Mark James Foster Bookshop

Teruf  is fifteen, and desires to enjoy time with his friends Ken and Al and exploring new feeling he is having for Ken’s little sister, Quwilla. He finds he cannot leave behind the weighity obligation to which he has been born--to save earth...

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Ask, Knock, Seek and Find by Mark James Foster Bookshop

This book is a graphic format regarding events to come forth in the latter days. These great disasters will initiate with the saints in Utah-for the lack of obedience to the commandments of God. Events are well described as to what is going to...

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Teruf the Dreamer ; Book 1 of Teruf's Progression in Succession Series by Mark James Foster Bookshop

Teruf  is the first book in its series that are built around the Mayan Prophecies of the year 2012. However, it was unknown that this was only going to initiate the start of the many devastations and destructions that will be released upon the...

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