Love Letter from Heaven to Earth

Author: Tibor Zsigmond


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To Know an Infinite God, with no Limits, Who can do anything and

create anything out of Nothing at His Will, Who is All Powerful meaning

Infinitely powerful, and has the power to do, to create anything, infinite

to infinite, never ending, That’s what a God is, and God’s role is to be

a God, and do anything a God does, who chooses to, and is Loving

US infinitely, and to the edge of everlasting, meaning forever, for all

eternity, By His Own Will and choice and chooses to be the Light of

this Broken Vessel Earth, and to give mankind, humanity a second

chance and Eternal Hope. If humanity chooses to, God already done

the unimaginable and the Toughest Job, for us, that we would never

dreamed of, now its up to us if we take it and accept it, His free gift of

everlasting Hope and everlasting life.

LIFE abundantly infinitely more, then this short life we have on this

earth With God him self forever.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 96 | Trim Size: 5.5x8.5

Genre: Religion

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