Deer Family

Author: Sydney Ulph


Item Summary

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A family of deer live happily in a meadow next to a forest. The baby deer loves to explore. But one day her love for exploring gets her in trouble when a pack of wolves go out and are looking for food. Despite her parents warning to stay with them and not go out exploring she goes against their wishes and heads into the forest (which happens to be where the wolves are starting their hunt). When the baby deer heads off into the forest she must find a way back to home or risk being lost in the woods and maybe a wolfs snack.

I enjoy cooking and I am taking the culinary arts program in SAIT. I wrote this book when I was in Elementary school and I have revised it to make it better and more of a story! I enjoy baking and hanging out with friends!

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Features & Details

Premium Color

Pages: 32 | Trim Size: 8.5x11

Genre: Juvenile

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