Alpha Princess

Author: Lucy Love Kabba


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The Creation of life. We never really question why we are born into this world and what is our purpose of being here. For generations to generation we have been told the same story about Adam and Eve but did we question what cause eve to eat the fruit of knowledge. on my journey to finding knowledge and wanting to have a bit of that apple, I am on the quest to finding the truth and I know the only way I can find the truth is when I go within start to relearn all I have been taught. The urge for that knowledge eats me up more when I become a creation. That's when the light switch for me, and I begin to question everything. Where do I begin? I learn math, English, literacy in school but one thing I didn't learn is the meaning of all the alphabet and so I begin to find meaning and light and relearning all about the alpha princess and I found out that each alpha letters have lights within them and that my friend is the power of creation.

Let me tell you a bit about the woman that lives within me. Her name is Myway Ann Bishop. One word that describes her heart is "Gold". It's pure and that light radiated from a distance. Unfortunately, she passes away before we got our visa to come to America. When I tell she fought to stay alive, it'll have you wondering why she didn't make it. But then I'll tell you that she did. That woman is me, she writes through me, she speaks through me, she tells her story through me. And no more would I hide that beautiful woman from the world its time that I tell the world her story. She alive with me and she reincarnates through my daughter to give me the strength to continue her cord journey. In every word, in every story, she lives. And if you pick up one of my books to read know that she shines through you.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 82 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Fiction

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