Wisdom and Folly

Author: C.S. Fołtyn


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Wisdom and Folly is an honest, philosophically autobiographical account of a life both well-lived, and not-so-well-lived. The work penultimately remains focused upon the virtuous character of Yahweh, and the divine healing that protrudes from knowing His Son, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. Art thou tired of having every village of hope burnt down by dragons of despair? Has thee grown fatigued from tear-filled nights? Doth thee desire realms beyond, those filled with imponderable adventures and bountiful treasures alike? There is hope for thee, even for the pit yee perceive as inescapable! Let us, therefore, be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience.

The rest humanity so often seeks is not as out of reach as first supposed, but is found by the stilled, reflective waters of the King’s eternal throne room; and, if one desires it, they shall find themselves met with no despair. God’s abode is the place all are most welcomed into. O’ taste and see, how the wretched, velvet bones of this author have become liberated by the truly haunting, other worldly Spirit of God and the blissful hope of His beloved Son!

Chase Stanisław Fołtyn is a young, American-born author whose lineage originally hails from the fantastical, mighty realms of Poland and Ukraine. Chase is himself an academic, holding a bachelor’s degree in Art History from Atlanta’s finest, most gothic, classical insitution: Oglethorpe University. Chase has also studied at institutions such as The University of Oxford in England, and Universidad Pompeu Fabra in Spain; although, Chase mostly renders himself a vivacious lover of books; and, most of all, a lover of Yahweh and an ambassador of His heavenly kingdom.

Chase Stanisław Fołtyn is the author of Wisdom and Folly: A Despairing Hypocrite’s Brief, Paradoxical Adoration of Yahweh, and plans to write many more books during the vaporous amount of time he has been allotted amongst the land of the living. Chase penultimately hopes, through his writing, to share with the world the everlasting hope and salvation he has found in his Savior, that Prince of the Scarlet Robe: Jesus of Nazareth, The Son of God.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 100 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Religion

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