A Tribute

Author: Rae S.


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A Tribute is a book of a collection of poems and prose written by the author to tie the beautiful things in life to the pain and heartache. The pieces in this book strive to help bring comfort to those who are going through unfortunate times in their life. Bringing the heartbreak from the past remembrance in mind to help the healing process along. The writer attempts to create a space where the reader can run to the pain in order to find the silver lining instead of running from it. A Tribute is dedicated to all those who are in need of hope.

Rae S. is a nineteen-year old writer who finds her passion in writing her thoughts and ideas on paper. She is based out of Southern California and has been writing since she was 18. Only recently has she found that others relate to the writings and thoughts she has and wanted to share them with the world. Rae hopes to reach many around the world to help heal the way she has found healing in writing. She hopes to release many more writings in order to assist those who need the comfort.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 92 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Poetry

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