Stones Beneath the Mountain

Author: X.O. Hartzler


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Stones Beneath the Mountain regards the adventurous tale within the fantasy land of Bauzzurath. Hod and GaRod Gravelback are two dwarven brothers who were born and raised in the mountainous land of DuLock. One fateful day, accompanied by Hod's daughter, KaRina, they set off in search of four mysterious stones that were to be acquired by their leader, King Greyshield. Along the way, the group encounters many strange and bizarre people, creatures and events. A tale of love and of loss, and a tale of power and of hardship, new details from the adventure await on every page.

X.O. Hartzler- Forged in the fires of Colorado, I had brainstormed a few story ideas with my wife in the introduction of the 2020 pandemic (which I'm sure we're all tired of hearing about). Mrs. Hartzler is the one who convinced me to finally sit down and begin writing, as time was on our side. After a few weeks, even months, I found a great passion through storywriting and am now aspiring to bring my work to life. The fantasy realm has always been inspirational as it transports readers to a new world; one full of creativity and livelihood. Stones Beneath the Mountain is to be a monumental stepping stone in the new age of fantasy works.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 258 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Fiction

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