Poetry of Love

Author: Lina Dow


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My book is called Poetry of Love it’s basically about everything you go through in your life. Some poems are about love, some about pain and heartache, the things each one of us as humans go through each day of our lives. We experience love when we are with the one we love and share our hopes and dreams with. We also experience sadness and pain from a broken heart and the feelings you feel when you are alone and missing the person you thought will always be there to catch you. So that’s what my book is about, different feelings of we go through in each day of our lives.

Hello! I would like to take this moment to talk about my book which is called Poetry of Love. What got me into writing is actually I inherited this gift from my grandpa who actually was a writer too. As for me, well my book is about all different kinds of feelings you face each day. I started putting words down on paper and I turned my words into poetry. My book talks about everything I went through in life, as you get to read it you will start to understand me more and relate to how I was feeling through every poem it speaks to you and you will relate how you are one day in love and happy then you get heartbroken. That's what my book is about.

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Pages: 24 | Trim Size: 8.5x11

Genre: Poetry

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