The Mentality of Discrimination

Author: Anderson Joseph


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The mentality of people in general relate to discrimination even without using black and white, age, race, gender, values, level of education, political thoughts, poverty, rationality, materialistic and job application. By having a conversation with a person over the phone, you can tell the person’s skin color based on the person’s thoughts. Also, when you have a face to face conversation with a person, you still cannot tell the color of their skin because their mentality doesn't allow you.

I came from nature to Haiti and then from Haiti to the streets. I remember in 1985, because I was poor, I used to stay in front of the Catholic Church that’s called Cathedral the port au prince. One day, my mother told me that I'm going to New York City, USA. I was very happy but I was discriminated in private companies and government agencies so I moved to Florida. In Florida, I worked as a taxi driver. From being a taxi driver, I went to Police Academy. After that, I became homeless twice---once in Florida, once in New York. From being homeless, I become a Lawyer. And now that I am already a Lawyer, I knew I was born to be a King of Haiti...

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 112 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Biography

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