
Author: Dominique Wynne


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Our accounts might sound something similar, yet the way in which we approach and settle them if at all is particularly unique. If you ever wonder what it’s like to deal with daily abnormality, here I will express a variety of emotions that came with each issue of my excursion and how I fought and conquered those strenuous encounters. I wrote this book hoping that my life events will encourage others to express their emotions in a more positive light, and breathe confidence and self-worth. When I started writing, I had no idea I’d be publishing a book. Being a slave of the mind is not mandatory, being true to yourself is. Growing up has been quite the journey. One thing I have kept aligned is my ability to choose my own outcome. I can decide to live through my experiences, angry, and bitter, or I could take a full inventory of my character and dispose of what is weighing me down.

“To be… is to be light as a feather.”

Dominique Wynne

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 50 | Trim Size: 5.5x8.5

Genre: Poetry

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