Inspiring Stories

Author: Miguel Aguilar


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The intent of this publication is sharing with my relatives, friends and the general reading population what a close relationship with God can accomplish. The first pages will reveal what I can remember since age 5 until separation from my original family in the pursue of education. The rest will show the relationship with a new family that I would expend the second part of my life. I am part of a biological family of 18 children from which only 8 are still living. Born in Honduras and married to a faithful wife from Guatemala learned as you will read in this book, to trust in God. We decided to serve our Lord and by writing and sharing our stories, we hope to inspire many to bring memories of their own past and receive the strength needed to keep living in an uncertain world.

Born in Honduras to be part of a very poor family. Most of my brother and sisters who died at a short age were prey of lack of adequate food and medical care. In search of a change found a small evangelical church where God would take me in His merciful hands and lead me for the rest of my life. It hasn’t been a life free of difficulties as some false town criers suggest, but one in which God helped me get through victoriously. the extraordinary experiences I share in this writings would show you that our Lord is not interested in appearances but in real demonstration of His care for us in the sometimes unnoticed provisions.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 104 | Trim Size: 5.5x8.5

Genre: Biography

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