Finding Family

Author: Alexei Prowess


Item Summary

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Elias, a young wolf abandoned after birth and ignored by everyone at the orphanage, had never known the love of a family. Not until fate had brought Tobias Fretchman and Tyson Clawing to him, a gay couple looking to take their next step in life by creating a loving family. But as the three forge their way forward, they are met with many trials and hardships, each one helping them in realizing what it truly means to be family!

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Must read for couples

The characters of Finding Family are amazing. We instantly fell in love with these two lovebirds, and got addicted to their story, which is heartwarming, griping, fun and arousing. It is a very relatable and meaningful story to us, which made us open up more to each other in a deeper meaning. Thus it has given us hope for our future and our relationship, and made us realize things we didn't know about ourselfes, deepening our love to each other. We keep on revisiting these comics frequently, and cannot wait for the future releases! We greatly recommend it!

by A loving couple (J and D)

Features & Details

Premium Color

Pages: 316 | Trim Size: 8.5x11

Genre: Comics & Graphic Novel

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