The Dragon & The Onion Girl

Author: Jeremy Burner


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In a land where monsters and spirits abound in the land, this classic fantasy fairytale follows the adventure of a mysterious young boy training to become a knight, as well as his strange young companion, a girl who likes onion and who teaches him the meaning of love and hate, the nature of good and evil, and the value of a human being's ability to choose between the two. This is a bedtime story full of allegory, light Christian themes, and written in a way that is easily read aloud.

Like most children, much of my youth was spent fighting dragons and rescuing princesses in the land of make-belief. However unlike most children, when I grew up I never stopped exploring. In fact, as I entered my teen years my favorite thing in the world was to go for long hikes in the woods and lose myself to my imagination. Never would I have guessed that my real-life adventures would be far greater and more perilous. Rarely a day went by when I was not climbing trees, delving into caves, or riding down dangerous rivers. As a result, I have fallen off cliffs, been chased by wild animals, been sucked down deadly white water, and been lost in the wilderness on no less than three occasions. Through it, all only two things remained constant in my life. My family, and my God. That, and my love of the imaginary.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 180 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Fiction

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