Road to Madrid by Gary Ross Watkins Bookshop

An intense story of Ernest Hemingway’s return to Spain in 1936, in search of his lover Maria. A militant Basque woman, with child, who departed Paris, to re-join her people in Spain. Hemingway’s intense search for one who chose to h...

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Road to Havana by Gary Ross Watkins Bookshop

In February 1957, seasoned journalist Herbert Matthews of "New York Times" sought to learn the truth in Cuba. Was Castro still alive with his "26th of July" movement in the Sierra Maestra Mountains? With advice from Ernest Hemingway...

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Road to Munich by Gary Ross Watkins Bookshop

In 1932, Paul Reinhart, a WWI veteran from Missoula, Montana, decided to teach one year in Munich, Germany to study 'Obedience to Authority.' With the rise of Nazis to power in January 1933 he encounters many difficulties teaching with Nazi censorsh...

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Road to Boleo by Gary Ross Watkins Bookshop

An intense adventure/romance fictional account of Ernest Heminway, beginning with the factual incident of the author's lost manuscript in 1923, from a train station north of Paris. The manuscript's secrets are learned by a Wyoming journalist who tra...

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