Road to Munich

Author: Gary Ross Watkins


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In 1932, Paul Reinhart, a WWI veteran from Missoula, Montana, decided to teach one year in Munich, Germany to study 'Obedience to Authority.' With the rise of Nazis to power in January 1933 he encounters many difficulties teaching with Nazi censorship and control. Yet nothing quite matches the encounter he has with the sharp minded, stocky, braided bombshell of Hanna Reisch. A star pupil who gains Paul's confidence and respect. Even more, Hanna's mesmerizing talents convince him to join her political resistance group and participate in a daring attack to free Nazi prisoners, with their planned escape to France. Continually hounded by Gestapo this intense and exciting romantic adventure never ends and neither does Paul's deep love for the indomitable - Hanna Reisch.

Gary Ross Watkins, a Viet Nam veteran (B.A. Sociology/Psychology, San Diego State, B.A. Education, U of Manitoba, M.A. Sociology U of Man.) from Winnipeg, Manitoba left home at 18 to join the US military. Through education and yearning to understand human behaviour, he tried to find his way "home" again. Today as a retired teacher he spends his time traveling the countryside, with his dog, meeting folks from the heartland, who give him a sense of worthiness and purpose to this great human struggle.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 92 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Fiction

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