Author: Aristea Loveland


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This book, to say the least, is a small piece of my soul. It’s a mix of emotions. The words on these pages explain my experiences with falling in love and how special that felt all the way to losing the person I once told I loved more than anything. It’s also about the process of finding yourself through heartache and allowing yourself to feel the emotions you want to avoid. I grew up with a tainted relationship with my father that directly impacted my view on relationships and men. I want my readers to feel every word like I’m speaking directly to them and for them. Heartbreak and pain are things we all know too well which saddens my heart. If I can heal from my wounds, my readers can too. This book is for them.

My name is Aristea and I have always felt so many things and emotions but internally. I was referred to as cold most of my life because I chose to internalize my feelings and let them out through books and writing. It was hard growing up knowing most felt I was cold when I too felt everything they did if not more. I find myself free of my pain for moments when I write. Creative outlets have helped me heal through heart ache, the worst loss of a relationship, the loss of my father, and many other things. I hope that my words can heal people, if not just one person. A book has been a lifelong dream of mine and I would just love to do this for all of the people who feel as though they cannot fulfill their dreams or have been looked over.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 70 | Trim Size: 5.5x8.5

Genre: Poetry

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