Unique Life

Author: Valerie Mitchell


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This book is dedicated to inspire people who suffers from depression or lack of motivation to keep going in life. Also for the women who did not have a Dad around who searches for that affection from a man always love yourself first. Self-love always comes first then you will be able to love someone else. This book is also for people who has thought they made mistakes in life they are lessons. No matter what keep going we are all creators. It's not over until you win!

The author was raised in Brooklyn New York. Born in 1977. Went to private school for eight years. Was also a Catholic she is now spiritual not religious. Always had a thing for writing since ten years old. Parents from Puerto Prince, Haiti. Speak Creole and English. Has degree in business accounting. Worked at the Stock exchange. She did not have both parents growing up dad left when she was 10. Has two boys adopted a nephew. She went to Erasmus Hall high school in Brooklyn her freshmen year then went to Stamford High School , In Stamford Connecticut. She was also an exotic dancer for 20 years. Then decided to work for as a hospice nurse. Author is a very creative writer and wants to change the world. She will soon become a motivational speaker and turn her life stories into filming.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 52 | Trim Size: 5.5x8.5

Genre: Biography

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