Product of my Environment: The Evolution of a Man, Volume 1

Author: Maurice Cade


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This book is a lyrical journey through a pivotal part of my youth. It tells the story of my transformation from a product of my environment into the product of my own creation. It all starts with recognizing that my intense desire for love came from not receiving it at home from my parents and then trying to find that love from someone else in the world. Through T.V and media the narrative of finding someone to love overtook my life. But through many experiences I learned that loving myself was my job to do. Yes my environment raised me and instilled a lot into me both good and bad, but it is also my job as a responsible adult to address and change all the parts of me that no longer serve me. I tried on a lot of different hats and personalities to find the kind of person that I wanted to be. When it was all said and done, the product of my creation is a new man that I can be proud of.

Maurice Cade is a native born Chicagoan raised on the south side of the city. With a strong love for music and emotional expression chased his dream of living off of his passions until they became real. He’s a full time musician/author/poet/artist whose mission isn’t to change the world but to remind this world of emotionally damaged and numb people what it feels like to feel. Emotions are a very essential part of life and how we navigate it that is not fully understood and his goal is to help teach emotional intelligence through whatever medium available.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 150 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Poetry

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