Love You True

Author: Carol Urena


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Inspired by William Shakespeare who was a hopeless romantic and wrote his sonnets induced by passion and love. ­ These expressions of love as they are written have been influenced by the touch and hold that this emotion

has on us. An emotion in it of its own that gives life meaning. It gives it purpose. When we live for more than just ourselves. It is life changing. It alters everything. Love can make us lose our words, make us speechless, stop us in our tracks. Love can inspire us to live more fully, to reach for more, to love more, for the sake of our beloved. Here are 75 short poems without titles because they need not them. And if you’ve ever been in love you know there are never enough words to express the feelings it incurs. ­ is book is a wonderful way of sharing some of them.

From Romeo and Juliet, to Shakespeare’s sonnets, to the King James Version of the bible; the romanticism of words and verses have always been an influence. But not until touched by true love which is different than love in all its other forms was it possible to put down into words the feelings it gives rise to. While always enjoying English literature and their classics, a favorite has always been creative writing. While not always the best at writing in its technical form, have always had the skill for putting words together without the constraints of grammatical rules. Always enjoying it poetry is very different; special if you like; touching us in another form than a novel or biography. ­ The purpose of this book is for the reader to be in tune with their heart and the most wonderful feeling that ever existed; true love.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 84 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Poetry

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