Mask of the King and Other Stories

Author: SB Stafford


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A police detective burdened by the trauma from the recent World War, Thomas Kollane can't even sleep right, but his partner will need his full focus if they intend to solve the recent string of arsons plaguing Umonison, Illinois. Richard Gibson is set in his ways as a veteran cop, but he will need his war-torn partner's fresh viewpoint if he intends to keep his career moving forward. With few leads and even fewer suspects, this case may require more than the two have to solve. An ancient mental asylum at the city's center may hold the key to the riddle.

No formal course in fiction writing can equal a close and observant perusal of the stories of Edgar Allen Poe or Ambrose Bierce.-Howard Phillips Lovecraft SB Stafford is a lover of story and character. As a child, he found himself shaking with anticipation and fear while his quivering hands grasped Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park. Awestruck by the power of words, he sought out something even stronger. After discovering the timeless skin-crawlers that are the works of Howard Phillips Lovecraft and Robert W. Chambers, he found that the interest didn't diminish, despite their age. He chose then to study them.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 142 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Fiction

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