Earth To God - The New Stewardship

Author: David Bastian Marshall


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The conflict between Religion and Science escalates to the Eco-world. Evidence of climate issues accumulates, yet political forces continue to ignore Earth’s warning signs. How can Climate Specialists and other scientists convince the inhabitants of this world that we each must take deliberate action to heal our planet and its environment? We cannot rely on government participation and funding - especially from the countries where their economy is tightly coupled with fossil fuel production and consumption. Johann covertly attends a climate summit in France and he quickly attracts the attention of several of the attendees who are intrigued by his point of view of Earth. However, unexpected circumstances detain him in Paris; Johann’s quest to become a climate specialist is delayed and redirected. Meanwhile, his security business begins to flourish back home in mid-state New York. His intellectual team begins to make progress with their New Stewardship concept. Though Johann was detained in France for two years, he and his team are making substantial progress with their quest to influence people to heal Earth.

I am David Bastian Marshall. There are many David Marshalls in this world. Hopefully headlining this book cover with my full name does not create an air of rigor and formality towards me or this story. My wife, Heather, and I grew up in Ohio. We moved to Mid-State New York for our first five years of marriage. Both of those regions feel like appropriate settings for this story. France is a nice additional setting since we would like to travel there someday.

Computers and the concept of programming have encompassed my life. God and Science have defined our existence. I’ve always wondered about the relationship of God, Earth, life and Science. Unfortunately, we cannot know all things; but we can ponder many things. The concept of programming did not surface with the development of computing devices. Earth and life are filled with programmable and programmed scenarios. We write program code for computers. We can try to program our pets, children and people in our associations. The term ‘teach’ may be preferred to ‘program’ when we refer to the transfer of knowledge and skills to other living beings.

The term ‘learn’ nicely complements ‘teach’ since there is no reason to try to teach someone or something unless they are able and malleable to learn.

Earth is one of our teachers. We are challenged to learn from its established features. We invent objects based on what we know about forces such as gravity. Often, our inventions benefit societies and help them to thrive. But sometimes, our environment suffers due to our actions. Collectively, we understand many properties of Earth and our environment; individually, we are not all experts.

Right now - this moment - Earth is trying to teach us some important concepts. We must activate our minds to observe, learn and understand what is happening to our planet. Please creatively experience our existence on Earth with Johann and his team.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 434 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Fiction

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