Hourglass Socioeconomics Vol. 2: Principle Application, Through the Vortex

Author: Blaine Stewart


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Hourglass Socioeconomics Volume 2 is a further adaptation derived from Volume 1 offering principle application adding to deeper fundamental understanding. Going through the vortex from cover to cover hints at "what could be" if "what if" is a true statement within a true or false vacuum plotted somewhere on or in a vector of space. Fluid dynamics was presented briefly in the preceding excerpt but investigated further as it applies to both real and meta data of social structures. In doing so, we jump through the spacetime of prismatic dimensions from one to three and hint at the fourth. To understand the system in place we must understand those a system governs over; ourselves. The vortex of thought within whips together a tornado of analytical, complex, but rational applications already present in today's academic universe. Physics, political science, statistics, philosophy, symbolism, natural biology and other academic studies shape the vortex you are about to step into where stillness is found in the chaos of how to interpret the complexity of the world we live in.

Blaine Stewart's goal this year was to complete a second volume upon publication of his first book late last year. That goal has since evolved, as well, as Volume 2 was put together. His drive to pull the abstract into reality was to test the throttle by releasing his first book. A full series is expected of nine books in total. Volume 3: A Global Interpretation is the next chess piece in play. Knight to A3. Full steam ahead.

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Black & White

Pages: 248 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Business & Economics

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