The Book of Jordan

Author: Laken Duckett


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This book is about the love a mother had for her child that was took away too soon do to neglect and wrongful death. While Jordan was left in the hands of his football coach and team he died of a massive seizure and severe asthma attack.

My name is Laken Duckett I am a single mother of three children. Two are living one is currently an angel. I am writing to help raise awareness and to inspire sports. Through my personal experience I hope to help others to learn how to approach sports differently. I hope that this book also helps anyone who has lost a child or children to be able to open another level of grievance that can be comfortable and can help you to move forward knowing that what you feel I also share with you and you aren’t by yourself. I hope this book inspires coaches and guardians to use all resources available during sports season to make sure that every child is safe and doesn’t loose their life doing what they love.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 94 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Biography

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