Alan Arrived in the Nick of Time

Author: Monique Ngobeh-Velasquez


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Dear Reader,

One faithful day God appeared in front of his son Alan and said, I have an assignment for you. My son Alan is your turn to head to earth and to help one of my daughters who is in distress are you ready for the task? Yes, father I am ready for the task what is her name what is wrong? Slow down my son, Alan her name is Tamia Mary Johnson, and she is in distress because her parents are verbally and mentally abusive and on top of that son, she has breast cancer.


I hope you enjoy the first book of A Guardian Angel Sent from Above but know let me Introduce you to the next book in the serious of a Guardian Angel sent from above and I am proud to announce the next sequel is

Alan Arrived in the Nick of Time. I hope you like the first two characters I introduce Elijah and Tamar but now let us get to know Alan in Tamia. If you have any questions, please email me at Christian.Novels@yahoo. com or join my Facebook page at Christian. Novels and I hope you enjoy the Tamia and Alan love story.

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 48 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Fiction

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