Pre-Assigned Control Number (PCN) Program

To give you a brief description about what Pre- Assigned Control Number is and its significance—PCN allows the Library of Congress to assign in advance the control numbers of publication to those book titles that may be added the Library’s compilation. It simplifies the classification and any book processing-related undertakings for any author.

The PCN is only eligible for authors located within the U.S. ground. Self-publishers should be capable to enlist a U.S. location as the publication site on your book’s title or copyright section. It’s also important to keep an editorial office that can cater any bibliographic inquiries located in U.S.


Books that are published within the United States area will be accepted, but EXCLUDES the following:

  • Books that are published already.
  • Title or copyright page showing that the books that was not published within the U.S. area.
  • Books for which Cataloging in Publication data has been, or will be requested.
  • Books published in electronic format such as E-books and the like.
  • Serials
  • Custom Versions
  • Books that contains 50 pages excluding genealogies, children’s books, and catalog exhibitions sent to museums or art galleries.
  • Below college level textbooks.
  • Books that are not intended for extensive distribution to libraries.
  • Any religious instructional items.
  • Unnecessary educational items.
  • Transient expendable materials.
  • Language interpretations excluding Spanish.
  • Mass market paperbacks.
  • Single articles reissued from publications and other serials.
  • Video materials including mixed media and computer software.
  • Music scores
  • Most microforms
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