A Message to the US President

Author: Alistair Simon


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Here is part one of my first book. "Manifestation Of The Book Of The World" This book focuses a lot on the United States of America and why God made it the greatest country in North America and the world. A message to the U.S President.

My name is Alistair Simon, I am sixty six years old and I was born and raised in the small country of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. I have three sons who all currently reside in Canada while my sisters and brothers live with me in S.V.G with the exception of one brother that lives in America. Primarily, I do trucking as a full-time occupation but this was before I one day found the inspiration to share my insights of the world in the form of a book titled " The Manifestation of the Book of the World".

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Features & Details

Black & White

Pages: 80 | Trim Size: 6x9

Genre: Biography

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